Handy cure is a small and portable laser device that is based on quantum medicine technology.
Handy cure laser instructions.
Handy cure s laser.
Press the mode button to select treatment program as indicated in the guidelines on page 3.
Using handy cure s laser.
It is a hand held device with integral rechargeable lithium battery.
The device combines four energy sources each is known for its therapeutic effect.
Prior to first use ensure that the battery is fully charged a green battery indicator light on the face of the hand set indicated charged battery whilst a red light indicates the need to charge.
Includes user guide for the handy pulse laser.
Infračervené světlo červené světlo magnetické pole a pulzní laser který je hlavní léčebnou složkou.
The battery indicator light should be green if the laser has sufficient charge.
Summary of science evidence.
Handy cure is a low level laser therapy lllt device which combines low level pulse laser radiation pulsating infrared radiation visible red light and static magnetic.
Information in this article was taken from a document prepared by dr rémy guibert md msc about terraquant another device manufactured by medical quant which contains the same modalities and the same technology as handy cure handy cure is a medical device which combines together low level pulse laser radiation laser class 1m power 0 4 to 1 4 mw radiation 900.
Handy cure s is compact and easy to use.
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Here are some simple instructions on using your handy pulse laser also known as the handy cure.
Ensure the laser device is fully charged before first use can take up to 8 hours to fully charge.
Handy cure obsahuje 4 klinicky ověřené metody léčby v jednom zařízení.
Related categories beauty health home garden.
Laser proniká hlouběji do tkáně a díky tomu je handy cure velmi účinný při léčbě kloubů šlach a svalů.
Find out more about laser acupuncture here.
Buy the new model 5v handy cure s low level laser therapy acupuncture device now.
The combination of low level pulse laser radiation infrared radiation visible red light and static magnetic.
Handy cure s pain relief treatment at the palm of your hand.
New 5v model of the handy cure s soft laser is perfect for pain relief and healing at home.
Handy cure will run a self test 3 lights will blink when 2 lights will turn green handy cure is ready for use.
The instructions and safety precautions contained in the handy cure operating manual including all supplements there to in.
Operating instructions place the device over the palm of your hand photo 2 and press the start stop button to power the device.
Handy cure s laser has been especially designed to combat pain and inflammation associated with acute and chronic painful musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.
Handy pulse laser with acupuncture probe free holder quantity field.