Firefox shows a green padlock business name and country code in green font and https.
Green bar ssl example.
The highly desirable green bar will appear in the address bar of firefox when your ssl certificate is installed successfully the web page in question is 100 secure content and the ssl certificate is able to validate whois and company information among other information.
With ev ssl certificate the applicant can prove the authenticity of the company and website by following extended validation process.
A display next to the green bar will toggle between the organization name listed in the ssl certificate and the certificate authority comodo or trustico for example.
The green bar was a marker that was given with ev or extended validation certificates.
Once ev ssl certificate installed on your website browsers will enable the green address bar feature and display your company name in the address bar.
With ev certificates there are additional steps of verification required than with dv certificates for example which only authenticate ownership of a domain which confirm the physical existence of a company and that the company owns the specified domain.
And customers do not have to be fearful about sharing their personal or financial details.
Once the ssl certificate gets installed the business information shows in the browser address bar.
In 2006 a group of leading ssl certificate authorities ca and browser vendors approved standard practices for ssl certificate validation and display called the extended.
Types of browser views with ov ssl certificates.
In each browser the address bar displays an organization name e g thawte inc.
Ev ssl green bar certificates extended validation certificates are the highest trusted ssl certificates.
Extended validation ev ssl certificates give website visitors an easy and reliable way to establish trust online.
If you have purchased and installed a green bar ssl certificate then you need not buy a new one and can enable the ev green address bar in all.
Digicert extended validation ev ssl certificates help improve conversion rates and customer confidence with green bar assurance.
The ev ssl certificate green bar also displays the business name in the browser address bar.
Ie and firefox display the green bar and company name as they should.
Us which shows that business is genuine and been verified by the trusted certificate authority.
Only ssl certificates with extended validation ev will trigger high security web browsers to display a green address bar with the name of the organization that owns the ssl certificate and the name of the certificate authority.
The example of an ev ssl certificate interface is shown in the image below.